Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog 8: The Concept of the Other

a)     Give a description of your "other."
My description of the “other” would probably be people that are superficial and not sincere; and people that love to criticize and judge other people as if they were “perfect”.

b)    Explain what it is about it that makes you feel such opposition to it.
I can’t just see myself in that sense because I think in the way that: “who am I to judge…” or “everyone makes mistakes.” I don’t understand the “phony” attitude because why would someone act being nice to you and everything but in reality he/she talks behind your back or really dislikes you. I think it’s something really stupid and again…superficial.  

c)     Discuss what has happened or would happen in situations where you have to interact with someone who belongs to "the other" as you define it.
Back in my country mostly when I was in high school people would love to talk about you and you would find out what they said among other people, because gossip went around so fast; and the funny part is that what they said was a rumor or not true and you would feel like offended in that sense. This affects so much that sometimes you don’t even know who to believe, but what remains and is important is to stay true to yourself, and simply be yourself.   

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